Noah Coffey

Noah Coffey

User Experience Designer

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Noah Coffey

Noah Coffey

User Experience Designer

ClickToTweet Refresh


ClickToTweet Refresh


This freelance project was to take an existing popular free service and turn it into a free and paid SaaS web app. The main function of is to provide content website owners and marketers the ability to provide links in their content that make it easy for visitors to tweet prepared content. The new version would include an entirely new interface, click statistic tracking, editing abilities, and account management.

This project also included a WordPress plugin that allows users to easily insert ClickToTweet links into their blog posts from their account (and create new ones).

The design and development of the new app has been very successful. The app went from a 100% free user base to over 800 paid and over 81,000 free accounts in less than a year.

If you'd like to see what a ClickToTweet link actually does (for the end user), simply follow this link:
